Oil mill Aschach
Oil mill Aschach


Founded in 1989, VOG AG took over the Aschach Oil Mill in 1993, thus expanding its commitment to food production. The location has not only an oil mill but also tank storage and a bottling plant; this optimizes transport distances.
In 2010 the production facility was transferred to the newly formed Rapso Österreich GmbH.

Activity      Production and bottling of rapeseed oil and bottling of chip fat
Production programme
  0.75 l bottle Rapso
10 l unibox Rapso
20 l can chip fat
Production capacity
  Up to 35,000 t rape seed annually
Storage capacity
  1.9 million litres
2000 pallet spaces
Employees   30
Distributed by   VOG AG Austria
VOG Darmstadt for Germany
The subsidiary distributors deliver to each respective country.
Other exports processed by Rapso GmbH.
Kontakt   www.rapso.at
Rape plant
Rape plant
IFS Certificate Rapso
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